Create a child theme to just about any theme in under a minute
Ok, so the time it takes may vary, but let me say that following the instructions below, will get you up and running in a child theme in no time. It is definitely faster than trying to create a child theme from scratch.
I don’t remember how I came across this, but I sure am glad that I did. The developer of this handy little code snippet called “Use-Child-Theme” is FacetWP and you can download everything you need from:
There really are just a few simple steps to get your site going with a child theme.
First, get the files from
Next, find the use-child-theme.php and upload it (ftp, file manager, etc.) to your active theme. In this example, I am using the default Twenty Sixteen theme. /themes/twentysixteen/
Then open the functions.php file of your active theme and past in the following
require_once( trailingslashit( get_template_directory() ) . 'use-child-theme.php' );
Save and then go into the wp-admin > Themes > Editor and when it loads, you will see a new link at the top asking you to activate the child theme.
When done, go back to Themes and you will see your child theme.
It really is that simple. This is going to become a must have in all of my future projects.