Create a child theme to just about any theme in under a minute

Ok, so the time it takes may vary, but let me say that following the instructions below, will get you up and running in a child theme in no time.  It is definitely faster than trying to create a child theme from scratch.

I don’t remember how I came across this, but I sure am glad that I did.  The developer of this handy little code snippet called “Use-Child-Theme” is FacetWP and you can download everything you need from:

There really are just a few simple steps to get your site going with a child theme.

First, get the files from

Next, find the use-child-theme.php and upload it (ftp, file manager, etc.) to your active theme.  In this example, I am using the default Twenty Sixteen theme. /themes/twentysixteen/

Then open the functions.php file of your active theme and past in the following

require_once( trailingslashit( get_template_directory() ) . 'use-child-theme.php' );

Save and then go into the wp-admin > Themes > Editor and when it loads, you will see a new link at the top asking you to activate the child theme.


When done, go back to Themes and you will see your child theme.

Screenshot 2016-07-15 16.04.42

It really is that simple.  This is going to become a must have in all of my future projects.