Good hosting isn’t cheap. However, it isn’t really that expensive when you break it down and realize that your business’s presence online is worth the little extra expense.
At Confluence, we now only use a Managed WordPress hosting solution provided by We do not own the servers. We simply buy seats on a server that is managed by Flywheel. Flywheel is more or less a concierge service where all technical aspects of running WordPress is managed by them. This includes security, speed, core WordPress updates, daily backups, website uptime, and scalability. Flywheel server administrators have done all the necessary fine-tuning to ensure that WordPress websites run as optimally as possible. Another great thing about Managed WordPress hosting is being able to get premium support from the server administrators. For example, if you have ever worked with the Revolution Slider plugin, you will know that it recommends that the server has a minimum 256MB of memory, with Flywheel, this is as simple as submitting a request to support.
Yes, you can go directly to Flywheel and set up your own hosting account and we are fine with this. However, when you chose to host outside of Confluence, certain little things come into play. For example, it will take longer to configure your site because additional work will be required to get our development tools integrated and our deployment processes in place. By going down this route, you can save a little more money over time, but when you choose this self-hosted route, you will also have to assume some of the additional responsibilities that come with hosting a website. If you would prefer to not have to have any of those so that you can focus on your business, then just let us know and we will take care of it all.
Read more on why you shouldn’t select a cheap hosting package.